Wenming Hao, Fredrik Björnerbäck,
Yulia Trushkina, Mikel Oregui-Bengoechea,
German Salazar-Alvarez, Tanja Barth, and Niklas Hedin
ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng., (
Lignin is naturally abundant and a renewable precursor with a potential to be used in the production of both chemicals and materials. As many lignin conversion processes suffer from a significant production of solid wastes in the form of hydrochars, this study focused on transforming hydrochars into magnetic activated carbons (MAC). The hydrochars were produced via hydrothermal treatment of lignins together with formic acid. The activation of the hydrochars was performed chemically with KOH with a focus on the optimization of the MACs as adsorbents for CO2. MACs are potentially relevant to carbon capture and storage (CCS) and gas purification processes. In general, the MACs had high specific surface areas (up to 2875 m2/g), high specific pore volumes, and CO2 adsorption capacities of up to 6.0 mmol/g (1 atm, 0 °C). The textual properties of the MACs depended on the temperature of the activation. MACs activated at a temperature of 700 °C had very high ultramicropore volumes, which are relevant for potential adsorption-driven separation of CO2 from N2. Activation at 800 °C led to MACs with larger pores and very high specific surface areas. This temperature-dependent optimization option, combined with the magnetic properties, provided numerous potential applications of the MACs besides of CCS. The hydrochar derived from eucalyptus lignin, and the corresponding MACs displayed soft magnetic behavior with coercivities of < 100 Oe and saturation magnetization values of 1-10 emu/g.